Trustex Non-Lubricated Latex condoms

Clinical Supplies

Trustex Non-Lubricated Latex condoms



Non-Lubricated Latex condoms have been used in pelvic muscle rehabilitation as a low cost alternative to other more costly sheathing products on the market. Physical Therapists specializing in pelvic muscle rehabilitation have a need to glove certain products in their clinic.

Web ID: 405


Non-Lubricated Latex condoms in the clinical setting:

Non-Lubricated Latex condoms have been used in pelvic muscle rehabilitation as a low-cost alternative to other more costly sheathing products on the market.  Physical Therapists specializing in pelvic muscle rehabilitation (PMR) and other healthcare professionals, working with pelvic floor patients, have a need to glove certain products in their clinic. Many of the products listed below are used to:

  1. Demonstrate proper use of a product for patient to be used at home. (Serenity-TMT-r)
  2. Determining the correct vault size for graduated dilator purchases.

These products, which may be used between patients, can come in contact with patient mucosa and have the ability to spread disease.  The use of a condom provides barrier protection to keep out harmful bacteria which has the potential to be spread between patients but is only the first step to ensure that you are maintaining a safe and effective disinfection protocol.

What other steps should I take to disinfect my clinical tools?

For products that cannot stand up to or be adversely affected by the use of an autoclave or gas autoclave, the use of an OSHA approved disinfectant with a three minute or less kill rate is an acceptable alternative for disinfecting purposes.  We recommend and use Virex Tb for cleaning home DME units returned from patients.

We now make available three popular institutional condoms in packages of 50, 100, 300 and 500 for in-clinic use.

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions N/A

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