Adult women of all ages rave about our vaginal weights or kegel weights. Many are recovering from childbirth and trying to…
CMT teamed up with Dustienne Miller, Herman & Wallace instructor and creator of the DVD series, Your Pace Yoga to answer…
We recently visited with a physical therapy group in Beverly Hills, CA who specialize in both pelvic pain and also…
Treatments of gynecological cancers as well as anorectal cancers typically involve pelvic radiation therapy or brachytherapy. A commonly observed side…
Pelvic floor muscle training is known to be effective in treating, improving and preventing cases of stress, urgency or mixed…
By Amy Stein, DPT and Fiona McMahon, DPT May is Pelvic Pain Awareness Month (#PelvicPainAware), supported by the International Pelvic…
It’s exciting that women’s sexual health has become an increasingly “hot topic” in the media, and we’re less embarrassed to…
Here at CMT Medical we’re constantly on the lookout for new, innovative ways to combat bladder, bowel and pelvic health…
Oh, yeah, you know you’ve done it before ladies…walked into the bathroom, questioned the sanitation of the toilet seat, and…
Urination is like a symphony; the bladder, spinal cord and pelvic floor muscles play in perfect harmony. The brain is…