
Rapport Male Vacuum Therapy System

Men's Health Products and Services, Sexual Health

Rapport Male Vacuum Therapy System

SKU: OM-SM2000


Rapport™ Classic is a conventional vacuum therapy system that can be used alone or together with Rapport™ Rings for men who need help to maintain an erection.  Vacuum Therapy is one of the safest and most effective options for dealing with erectile dysfunction.
Web ID: 607


Rapport™ Classic is a conventional vacuum therapy system that can be used alone or together with Rapport™ Rings for men who need help to maintain an erection. This system is also helpful in cases of premature ejaculation, as the ring will maintain the erection until it is removed. Vacuum Therapy is one of the safest and most effective options for dealing with erectile dysfunction.

The Rapport™ Classic comes with an Instructional Guide and DVD.

What is vacuum Therapy?

A pump is used to create a vacuum around the penis which draws blood into the penis, creating a firm erection. A penile ring is slipped over the base of the penis and the pump removed to allow full sexual intercourse to take place. The ring will maintain the erection until removed which must be within 30 minutes. 

Vacuum therapy does not involve the use of drugs but is often times recommended as a complimentary therapy to oral and injectable regimens. Rapport, unlike drugs, may be used as often as desired to product a firm erection in minutes.  Because vacuum therapy means a man does not have to take prescribed drugs, there is no risk of interactions with any existing medications.

Advantages of Vacuum Therapy Devices

  • Non-drug therapy and therefore no contraindications with other medications
  • 95% success rate
  • Non-invasive
  • An erection can be achieved within minutes and therefore spontaneity for intercourse is not compromised
  • May be used to combat Erectile Dysfunction resulting from any condition
  • Can be used in conjunction with other therapies to enhance the erection
  • Vacuum therapy benefits the penis by increasing blood flow and can therefore reduce the build-up of fibrous tissue

The Rapport has a 510k, however, the device is a Class II with special controls, which does not require a 510k.The 510k of the Rapport can be viewed by the following link:


Link to the 510k exempt status of the Rapport…


Weight 2.0 lbs