Pathway CTS-2000 Pelvic Floor Biofeedback System – Physician Model

Multi-Modality Systems, sEMG Biofeedback

Pathway CTS-2000 Pelvic Floor Biofeedback System – Physician Model

SKU: PG-CTS-2000

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The Pathway CTS-2000 offers two channels of surface EMG, one channel of Pelvic Floor Stimulation and one channel pressure manometry packed in HIPAA compliant software package detailed for pelvic floor.

CTS Systems Brochure

What is the CTS-2000 Pelvic Floor Biofeedback System?

The CTS-2000 pelvic floor biofeedback system is the gold standard for physicians starting a pelvic muscle rehabilitation program. This console system offers three different modalities completed by with a user friendly, HIPAA compliant, software package. The system also provides enough supplies to get you started.

Computers can be supplied by the facility or purchased as a turnkey solution from CMT!

What are the Modalities and what do they do?

First, the CTS-2000 has two channels of surface EMG biofeedback (sEMG). sEMG is used to monitor the pelvic floor muscles as they relate to activation, over-activation and coordination of the muscle, thereby the rationale for two channels. The channel A port on the system is dedicated to the Pelvic floor.

The port is dual purpose in that it conducts sEMG as well as Pelvic Floor Stimulation (PFS). Port A accepts direct input from either an internal vaginal or internal rectal sensor while port B is used to an monitor accessory muscle.

Secondly, the system has one channel of Pelvic Floor Stimulation (PFS). PFS on the CTS-2000 has multiple frequencies to treat a variety of conditions. They are as follows:

  • 12.5 Hz: Urgency/Frequency
  • 50 Hz: Stress Incontinence
  • 100 Hz: Stress Incontinence/Pelvic Pain
  • 200 Hz: Non-Obstructed Bladder retention

These frequencies are all available as twelve standard protocols within the system. These protocols vary based on duty cycle (On/Off time), Frequency (Hz) and session duration. The user can modify a protocol to suit a particular patient or save it as an application protocol, which can be used on all patients.

The software also provides the Clinician with simultaneous EMG and PFS. This way the Clinician and patient can view the sEMG biofeedback activity in between the PFS to confirm muscle identification or help to break muscle spasm.

Lastly, Anorectal Manometry (ARM) is a true measure of Pelvic muscle strength, which is a key component to documenting patient progress over time. The Clinician will insert an intra-rectal pressure sensor and using one of the system’s protocols will conduct a session that evaluates the squeeze pressure of the external anal sphincter.

Ok, so what’s the software like and what type of reporting does it provide?

The CTS-2000 pelvic muscle rehabilitation software offers intuitive and seamless treatment.

The program allows the Clinician to navigate with standard protocols allowing them to use the system as soon as they open the box. As the clinician becomes more comfortable with the system, protocols can be modified with each patient. The system is designed with an extensive library of treatment displays and animation videos, so the patient is engaged during their treatment sessions.

The system offers a variety of post-session reports to include:

These reports gather data from the treatment sessions; as well as Clinician’s note to create a standard statistical report. The reports, such as a chart note or report narrative, are defined by the software. The clinician can choose to include session graphics and can also edit all reports by downloading them to MS Word (Not Included).

I see the value in having a program but, can I get reimbursed?

Yes, The following codes are used for reimbursement, some with stipulation.

    • 97032  Electrical Stimulation
    • 91122   Anal Pressure Record
    • 51784  Anal/Urinary Muscle Study
    • 90911  Biofeedback peri/Uro/Rectal
    • 97750  Physical Performance Test
    • 97112  Neuromuscular Rehabilitation

Contact your CMT Sales Rep for Projected Revenue and Billing Scenarios!

OK, looks good so far, what comes in the box?

The Pathway CTS-2000 includes all the following adapters and consumable items:

(1) CTS-2000 Multi-Modality Console

(3) Disposable Electrodes Sample Packets #VM-A10057-S

(4) Pathway Electrode Sample Packets #PG-6750

(1) Ch A 10′ Interface Cable for #PG-7300

(1) Ch B 10′ Extended Pathway Preamplifier #PG-2853E

(4) Pathway Vaginal EMG/Stimulation Sensor #PG-6330

(2) Pathway Rectal EMG/Stimulation Sensor #PG-6340

(4) Pathway Rectal Manometry Sensors # PG-6425

(1) Operator’s Guide

Thanks, I’m interested but why should I buy from CMT?

That’s the easiest decision that you will make. The reasons to choose CMT are numerous and include:

  1. 30 years in business serving clinicians treating Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction!
  2. More than 80 years total experience working with Pelvic Muscle Rehabilitation devices, OTC products and accessories!
  3. UNLIMITED TRAINING!  Yes, you do not need to adjust your eyes, CMT offers unlimited training for the life of the product, PERIOD!
  4. No Voice Jail.  Between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm EST Monday through Friday you will get a live representative to answer your call and questions!
  5. Full service, on site DME program to provide home units to your patients. We are also Medicare Accredited!
  6. RxPad discount program designed to provide discounts to our institutional customers and their patients!
  7. Affiliate Program designed for independent and private practice clinicians as an additional revenue stream!
Weight 31.998 lbs


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