Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles for Better Health

Jul 01 2024 / Pelvic Floor

Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles for Better Health

Did you know that your pelvic floor muscles play an important role in your overall health? Strengthening these muscles can help prevent or alleviate many common pelvic floor issues women experience.

CMT is a recognized leader and the largest distributor of non-invasive therapies for optimal bladder, bowel, and sexual health and function. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about pelvic floor exercises. We will cover what the pelvic floor is, the most common pelvic floor issues women experience, and different exercises you can do to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Plus, we’ll tell you how to use vaginal weights for even better results!


What is the pelvic floor?

So, what is the pelvic floor? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and tissues that support the organs in your pelvis. These muscles stretch from your tailbone to your pubic bone and form a hammock-like structure. The muscles help to control your bladder and bowel movements, as well as sexual function.

Unfortunately, many women experience problems with their muscles at some point in their lives. The most common issues include urinary incontinence (leakage), fecal incontinence (leakage), pain during sex, and prolapse (when organs or tissue fall from their normal position). All of these problems can be caused by weak or damaged muscles.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles

There are several things you can do to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises are one of the most popular and effective options. To do a Kegel, simply squeeze the muscles you would use to stop the flow of urine. Hold the contraction for three to five seconds, then relax for three to five seconds. Repeat this process ten times.

Another great exercise is the bridge pose. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground about hip-width apart. Slowly lift your hips off the ground until your thighs and torso are in line with each other, then hold for two to three seconds. Lower back down and repeat ten times.

There are many other pelvic floor exercises you can try, including the plank, side-lying leg lift, and supine leg lift.


Using vaginal weights for pelvic floor and sexual health

In addition to exercises, another great way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles is to use vaginal weights. Vaginal weights are small devices that you insert into your vagina and hold in place with your muscles. They come in different sizes and weights, so you can start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as your muscles get stronger.

One of the most popular products used to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles is V-Tone vaginal weights and you can use them to address both your pelvic and sexual health.

  1. Preparation: Make sure to clean your V-Tone thoroughly before and after each usage to maintain sanitary conditions.
  2. Insertion: If you’re new to vaginal weightlifting and have issues with incontinence, start with the biggest of the two cones. Make sure the cone is correctly connected and that it’s tightly screwed together before putting it in.
  3. Lubrication: You may also want to use a water-based lubricant such as Slippery Stuff to aid insertion. While standing, insert the cone into your vagina without any weight. If you can easily keep the weight in place, remove it and start adding weight to the cone. The objective is to begin your exercises with the greatest possible amount of weight you can maintain for one minute while standing.
  4. Practicing: You may begin a regimen once you’ve determined the optimum weight. Contract for 5 seconds, rest for 10 seconds for a total of 10 reps while laying on your back. For the greatest impact, repeat this three times per day. 
  5. Increase the weight as you continue to improve in order to keep up with your progress. If you can reach 55 grams of weight, modify your workout to increase the work time, reduce the rest time, and change positions to stand up and make it more difficult.

There are many benefits to strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. These benefits include improved bladder control, less pain during sex, reduced risk of prolapse, and enhanced sexual pleasure. If you are experiencing any problems with your pelvic floor or think you could benefit from stronger muscles, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider about pelvic floor exercises.