
Alison Ankiewicz Testimonial

Alison Ankiewicz Testimonial

More than 15 years ago I developed my own little pelvic health physical therapy office literally practicing out of a 10 by 10 room. That is when I discovered Earl from Current Medical Technology and his incredible staff.

They guided me on what equipment I would need to start up a pelvic health physical therapy practice.

Here we are years later grateful to have grown to the largest physical therapy pelvic health center on the Jersey Shore and we could not have done it without CMT.

It is not just about the fine products from CMT but the devotion and dedication of the CMT team that make them an outstanding company.

CMT is there for us and our patients with any questions and guidance for decisions regarding equipment or suggestions.

Our very own office manager who is always in contact the staff from CMT, even took her time on a personal vacation in Massachusetts to visit CMT to thank them for being so dedicated.

We are grateful to have this opportunity to thank Earl and his incredible CMT team, they truly have made a difference in many peoples lives from patient to practitioner.