V-Tone Vaginal Weights

CMT Branded Products, Female, Home Incontinence Therapies, Sexual Health

V-Tone Vaginal Weights



V-Tone vaginal weights are a set of weights that are inserted into the vagina to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

This set includes two 20gm weights, one 10gm weight, and one 5gm weight. This allows the user to start with 5 grams and progress, in 5-gram increments, to as much as 55 grams.


What is V-Tone Vaginal Weights?

V-Tone vaginal weights are a set of weights that are inserted into the vagina to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles extend from the pubic bone to the tail bone and support the bladder and uterus.

This set includes two cones (one small and one large to be individually used based on anatomical introitus size) that are used to house the weight and make for a comfortable weightlifting experience.

This set also includes two 20gm weights, one 10gm weight and one 5gm weight. This allows the user to start with 5 grams and progress, in 5-gram increments, to as much as 55 grams.

Who should use V-Tone?

V-Tone vaginal weights should be considered to address both your pelvic and sexual health. Vaginal weightlifting has been shown to be effective to ease the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence, prevent or treat uterine prolapse, prevent leakage and improve your core after childbirth.

Vaginal weightlifting like any other weightlifting increases blood flow to the muscles. The increased blood flow aids in:

  1. Increased sexual arousal of the genitalia
  2. More control internally during penetration
  3. Stronger more intense orgasm
  4. Increased satisfaction for your partner

How do I use V-Tone vaginal weights to increase pelvic floor strength?

Although detailed instructions come with your V-tone, here is a brief description of how you will practice:

Preparation: Make sure that when you receive your V-Tone to take it out and thoroughly wash all components with soap and water and let air dry. Always clean your V-Tone before and after each use to maintain proper hygiene.

Insertion: If you are new to vaginal weightlifting and are experiencing symptoms of incontinence, choose the larger of the two cones to begin. Prior to inserting the cone make sure it is assembled correctly and the cone is screwed together tightly.

You may also want to use a water-based lubricant such as Slippery Stuff to aid insertion. Insert the cone into your vagina while in a standing position, without any weight.

If you can effortlessly keep the weight in place, remove and begin adding weight to the cone. The goal is to start the exercises with the heaviest weight you can hold for 1 minute in a standing position.

Practicing: Once you have selected the ideal weight, you can begin a regimen, while laying on your back, of contacting for 5 seconds, resting for 10 seconds for a total of 10 repetitions. Do this 3 times per day for the best result.

Once you begin to improve, increase the weight to keep pace with your progress. If you manage to reach the maximum weight of 55 grams, you can begin to modify your exercise to increase the work time, decrease the rest time and also change positions to standing to increase the difficulty.

What comes with my purchase?

V-Tone includes:

  1. Two vaginal cones – one small and one larger
  2. (2) 20gm weights
  3. (1) 10gm weight
  4. (1) 5gm weights
  5. (1) carrying case
  6. Detailed instructions for use
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