Serenity TMT Pelvic Floor Massage Tool – Vaginal
Serenity TMT Pelvic Floor Massage Tool – Vaginal
SKU: CMT-STW-VThe curved design of the Serenity pelvic floor massage tool is ideal for intra-vaginal use. The smooth tapered end allows for easy insertion, while the longer handle allows for more controlled maneuverability.
For Clinicians referring patients for this product, please use our Rx Pad which can be found by clicking here. Web ID: 621
If you are interested in bulk pricing, please see the quantity breakdown and cost below. Please insert the quantity you need and the adjusted price will show up in your cart.
Bulk Discount Pricing:
- $29.99: 1 – 11 units
- $26.99: 12 – 23 units
- $25.50: 24 – 35 units
- $23.99: 36 – 59 units
- $22.49: 60+ units
Pelvic Floor Massage
Pelvic floor massage has long been utilized by physical therapists specializing in pelvic floor therapy to treat for muscular or myofascial pain. There are many conditions where the use of the Serenity TMT would be useful in both the clinical and at home setting to benefit patients with pelvic pain.
The curved design of the tool is ideal for intra-vaginal use for the treatment of Pelvic Muscle dysfunction. The smooth tapered end allows for easy insertion, while the longer handle allows for more controlled maneuverability to treat weak or tight pelvic floor muscles.
The Serenity Vaginal Massage Tool is 8″ long and has a 3/4″ diameter.
Pelvic Floor Massage Treatments
Dyspareunia is one condition where internal pelvic floor massage would be helpful. Dyspareunia is painful sexual intercourse due to muscular or myofascial pain in the superficial genital muscles.
The pain can primarily be on the external surface of the genitalia during initial vaginal penetration but can be felt on the vulva or all over the surface. By inserting the Serenity 1-2 inches in the patient or clinician would be able to reach the superficial musculature to begin the internal massage.
Vaginismus is another pain condition affecting deeper vaginal muscles such as the Levator Ani and Obturator. Patients with vaginismus experience pain while inserting tampons, during gynecological exams or experiencing deep penetration during intercourse.
Again, the use of the Serenity TMT would be a useful modality for patient at home use for internal pelvic floor massage. By inserting the Serenity up to the curvature, the patient or clinician would be able to reach the deeper musculature to begin the massage.
Pelvic Floor Scarring (Episiotomy) and tight vaginal muscles (Vaginal Stenosis) are a few other conditions where the Serenity pelvic floor massage tool would be appropriate for patient self-treatment.
This tool helps as a stretching device where the patient would apply tolerable pressure for 30 to 90 seconds. If a pain point is identified the patient or clinician can gently massage the area using the tapered or rounded end of the Serenity.
We recommend that the patient always visit with their pelvic floor physical therapist prior to first use for proper instruction.
Cleaning Instructions:
Caution: Do not put the Serenity into the dishwasher for cleaning. Do not use any ammonia, alcohol or anti-bacterial based products to clean the Serenity. Doing so will damage the product and void warranty. No Exceptions.
Recommended Cleaning Instructions:
- Remove tool from the plastic bag
- Rinse using hot water from the sink/tap
- You may use either 7th Generation Plant Based Free and Clear Dish Liquid or generic Hydrogen Peroxide (Both have been tested to clean the tool)
- Apply 7th Generation Free and Clear to your hands and then apply soapy suds to the tool and thoroughly clean; or Apply Hydrogen Peroxide to a towel or paper towel and then thoroughly clean the tool
- Rinse in hot water and repeat
- Let the tool air dry on a dry towel or paper towel
- Once dried, place back in velvet bag
- Repeat process starting with Step 2 when using the tool again
- The Serenity pelvic floor massage tool is for single patient multi-use application.
What’s in the Box:
Each Serenity-TMT comes with:
- A velvet drawstring bag
- Instruction Booklet (with valuable coupons inside)
- Sample vaginal lubricant packet