
Herman & Wallace Urinary Incontinence Manual 3rd Edition (Digital download)

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Herman & Wallace Urinary Incontinence Manual 3rd Edition (Digital download)

SKU: HW-001


This Urinary Incontinence downloadable manual will save you hours of writing and developing your own evaluation and treatment programs. The 3rd Edition manual provides a comprehensive tool for the practitioner using behavioral treatment for adult urinary incontinence.


Urinary Incontinence Manual 3rd Edition

This Urinary Incontinence downloadable Manual will save you hours of writing and developing your own evaluation and treatment programs. The 3rd Edition manual provides a comprehensive tool for the practitioner using behavioral treatment for adult urinary incontinence.

Everything you need to start an incontinence program including:

Practitioner Forms

  1. Bladder/Bowel Evaluation
  2. Health History and Pelvic Symptom Questionnaire
  3. Pre and Post Treatmemt Outcome Questionnaire
  4. Bladder Quiz
  5. Exercise/Education Flow Sheet
  6. Treatment Guidelines
  7. Sample Consent for Pelvic Floor Treatment & Plan of Care
  8. Sample Letter of Medical Necessity – Electrical Stimulation (and Template)
  9. Sample letter of Medical Necessity – SEMG Biofeedback (and Template)
  10. Educational Organizations and Self Help Groups
  11. Treatment Pathway for Post-op Prostatectomy
  12. Treatment Pathway for Post-op Bladder Suspension
  13. Pharmacology for the Treatment of Bladder Dysfunction
  14. Practitioner Reference List

Patient Education Handouts

  1. Information on Treatment for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Bladder/Bowel Problems
  2. Biofeedback for the Pelvic Floor Muscles
  3. The Female Pelvic Floor
  4. The Male Pelvic Floor
  5. Bladder Health
  6. How Diet may Affect your Bladder
  7. About Constipation
  8. Fiber Facts
  9. Skin Care, Absorbent Products and Odor Control
  10. Keeping a Record of Bladder Function
  11. Daily Voiding Log (blank)
  12. Bladder Retraining
  13. Instructions for Controlling Urinary Urge
  14. Description and Performance of Pelvic Floor Exercises
  15. Diaphragmatic Breathing
  16. Coordinating the Breathing Diaphragm and Pelvic Diaphragm
  17. Your Home Program
  18. The Pelvic Brace – The Pelvic Floor and Transverse Abdominus Muscles Together
  19. Positions for Performing the Pelvic Brace
  20. The Pelvic Brace with Daily Activities (Cough, Sit, Stand)
  21. Functional Pelvic Brace Exercises (Stairs, Lifting, Squats, Lunges)
  22. Advanced Pelvic Floor Biofeedback Exercises
  23. Pelvic Floor and Accessory Muscle Exercises
  24. Maintaining your Bladder Control Exercise Program
  25. Pelvic Muscle Electrical Stimulation
  26. What can I Anticipate after my Prostatectomy?
  27. What can I Anticipate after my Bladder Surgery?
  28. Patient Resources on Urinary Incontinence

Note: This product is emailed in Word format so that you can instantly access these files and distribute them to patients with your own clinic’s logo.