Elevate Toilet Stool

Bowel Support and Rehabilitation, CMT Branded Products

Elevate Toilet Stool



The Elevate Toilet Stool is a device used to help ease constipation and prevent hemorrhoids as a result of straining.

What sets the Elevate apart from others is its compact size.

The Elevate Toilet Stools fits snuggly under the commode, so it does not jet out, thereby reducing the risk of falling.


The Elevate Toilet Stool is a device used to help ease constipation and prevent hemorrhoids as a result of straining.

What sets the Elevate apart from others is its compact size. The Elevate Toilet Stools fits snuggly under the commode, so it does not jet out, thereby reducing the risk of falling.

It also fits nicely into your luggage when you are traveling. In addition to the smaller size, it comes with a smaller price point. This provides an opportunity for more people to get into the squatting craze.

Why do I need the Elevate Toilet Stool?

First, let’s talk about how digestion works. As food moves from your stomach to your small intestine, digestive juices break it down.

Digested nutrients move through the wall of your small intestine into your bloodstream. Leftover waste mixes with water in your large intestine to form stool.

Stool stays in your rectum — a collecting chamber at the end of your large intestine. A U-shaped muscle called the puborectalis wraps around your rectum. This muscle keeps the lower part of your bowel bent to hold the stool inside until you’re ready to go.

It works much like a kink in a garden hose that prevents water from getting out. The slight bend in your colon stops you from letting go and having an accident.

The problem with sitting is that it keeps the kink in your lower bowel. That forces you to work harder to push out the poop.

Squatting relaxes your puborectalis muscle more and straightens out your colon, giving the poop a straight route out. As a result, you can go more easily with less straining.

Does It Work?

X-rays taken during studies show that the rectum does straighten out more when you squat. Pressure in the belly is also lower in this position, which could be a sign you’re not straining as much.

Also, when people use posture-changing devices to squat, studies show, they go more quickly. This helps to strain less and empty their bowels more completely than when they sit on the toilet.

By making it easier to poop, squatting might ease constipation and prevent hemorrhoids, which are often a result of straining.

The features of the Elevate Toilet Stool:

  • Made of durable plastic
  • Incredibly sturdy & easy to clean
  • Made with plastic stay-in-place grabbers at the bottom of the stool, as well as foot grips for the top
  • The weight capacity is 250 pounds
  • Compact size makes it easy for travel 
  • Care & Cleaning: Spot or Wipe Clean
  • 7″ in height
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