Author: Dr. Alison Ankiewicz, PT, DPT

Inner Dynamics Physical Therapy, Pelvic Health and Wellness Center was developed by two dedicated pelvic floor therapists Dr. Alison Ankiewicz, PT and Dr. Tamra Wroblesky, PT. Dr. Ankiewicz, PT has been practicing as a pelvic health therapist for over 15 years, dedicating her time teaching within universities, continuing education courses as well as the people and other health care professionals within her community. Dr. Wroblesky, PT has dedicated her time as a pelvic health therapist after suffering from her own pelvic health issues. She continues to devote her skills and wealth of knowledge to the men and women of her community. She gains continuous recognition by her colleagues locally and nationally. Dr. Ankiewicz and Dr. Wroblesky are pleased to welcome aboard exceptional pelvic health and orthopedic physical therapists Dr. Lisa Ricker, PT, Dr. Jill Hadfield, PT and Dr. Jessica Golden, PT.
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