Pathway STM-10 Pelvic Floor Stimulator

Men's Health Products and Services, Pelvic Floor Stim

Pathway STM-10 Pelvic Floor Stimulator



A Pelvic Floor Stimulator is a medical device, much like a TENS unit, that delivers an electrical signal into the tissue of either the vagina or rectum to treat Stress Urinary Incontinence and Urge Urinary incontinence.

Women and men who suffer from Stress & Urge Urinary incontinence may benefit from the use Pelvic Floor Stimulation at little or no cost through CMT.


What is a Pelvic Floor Stimulator?

A Pelvic Floor Stimulator, like the STM-10, is a device much like a TENS unit, that delivers an electrical signal into the tissue of either the vagina or rectum. The type of electrical signal can vary depending on the condition that the clinician or patient is looking to treat.

A pelvic floor stimulator helps treat Stress Urinary Incontinence and Urge Urinary incontinence, but also Fecal Incontinence, Pelvic Pain & Non-Obstructed Urinary Retention.


What is Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Stress Urinary Incontinence means as an involuntary loss of urine. Physical exertion such as laughing, sneezing, coughing or any type of physical activity can be a cause. Many people suffering from stress urinary incontinence also have weak pelvic floor muscles from childbirth, prostatectomy, obesity, and aging.


What is Urge Urinary Incontinence?

Urge Urinary Incontinence is involuntary urinary leakage associated with a sudden, compelling desire to void. This condition happens when a signal is processed by the bladder which tells the bladder to contract. Many people who have some form of Urge Urinary Incontinence, sometimes called the keyhole syndrome, where they reach the front door and suffer an incontinence episode.


Who would benefit from a Pelvic Floor Stimulator?

Women and men who suffer from Stress & Urge Urinary incontinence may benefit from the use a Pelvic Floor Stimulation.

Women who have had multiple childbirths, Gynecological surgeries and other types of pelvic floor trauma combined with weak pelvic floor muscles and Urge Urinary Incontinence would benefit from using a pelvic floor stimulator.

Men who have Urge Urinary Incontinence and Stress Urinary Incontinence brought on by pelvic floor trauma or prostatectomy would also benefit from the use of a Pelvic Floor Stimulator.


What is special about the Pathway Pelvic Floor Stimulator, STM-10?

The STM-10 pelvic floor stimulator is a great tool as it is the most versatile, handheld, pelvic floor stimulator currently available.

The STM-10 unit has multiple frequencies that are proven effective for treating Stress Urinary Incontinence, Urge Urinary incontinence, Pelvic Pain and Non-Obstructed Bladder Retention.


Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

The STM-10 has a 50 Hz frequency activates the pelvic floor muscle to contraction. Contracting the Pelvic Floor Muscle repetitively helps to strengthen the muscle, just like lifting weights in the gym, thereby helping the patient to stave off incontinent episodes by more firmly closing the urethral opening.


Urge Urinary Incontinence (UUI)

The STM-10 has a 12.5 Hz frequency calms the nerves when contracting the bladder. Use of a pelvic floor stimulator has the ability to continue to help the calming effect even when the stimulation has been removed.


Pelvic Pain

The STM-10 has a 100 Hz frequency which most closely emulates a TENS unit. The 100Hz frequency can effectively block the pain signal to the brain.


Non-Obstructed Bladder Retention

The STM-10 has a 200 Hz frequency which has been studied and accepted as being effective. The STM-10 helps the bladder to more fully contract to expel urine in patients who do not adequately empty.



Milliamperage is the amount of power of the stimulation being transferred to the patient. The STM-10’s milliamperage ranges up to 100 milliamps which is extremely powerful!


Multiple Duty Cycles

Duty cycles are simply the amount of time the patient feels the stimulation versus the amount of time the patient is not receiving stim during the session. The STM-10 unit has a wide variety of choices available to the user:

  1. 5 seconds on/5 seconds off
  2. 5 seconds on/10 seconds off
  3. 10 seconds on/10 seconds off
  4. 10 seconds on/20 seconds off
  5. Continuous mode


Multiple Session Times

Session time is the total time the session will run. The STM-10 has multiple session times ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes in 5-minute increments. Having multiple Session Times and Duty Cycles are important so as the patient improves the length and duration of the stimulation can increase with them.


Will my insurance cover the cost of the STM-10 Pelvic Floor Stimulator?

We will contact your insurance company to see about possible coverage to cover the cost.



Medicare patients are covered as long as the following conditions are met:

  1. A diagnosis of Stress Urinary Incontinence, Urge Urinary Incontinence and/or Fecal Incontinence.
  2. The patient meets with their referring physician at least 6 months prior to the prescription being written.
  3. Ordering Physician must be P.E.C.O.S. certified.
  4. The patient has been through a documented 4-week trial of Pelvic Muscle Exercises (i.e. Kegels) with no improvement.

* CMT currently cannot bill Medicare in Utah, Michigan, or Georgia 


Private Insurance

Most private insurance follow Medicare guidelines. All patients with private insurance need to pre-certify to confirm that benefits are available.



If you don’t have insurance, you can still receive a home rental unit. With a valid prescription and for a low monthly rental fee anyone can have a Pelvic Floor Stimulator.


Can Current Medical Technologies bill my insurance?

Yes, Current Medical Technologies Inc. maintains an expert Durable Medical Equipment (DME) team. We are the only company who specializes in Pelvic Muscle Rehabilitation and are Medicare Accredited.

Our team specializes in the distribution of Pelvic floor stimulators. This unit requires a valid prescription in order to purchase or rent.

If you are a patient interested in getting a home unit, your prescription can be faxed to us at (508) 947-1486 or email We cannot ship out the unit until we receive your prescription.

Clinicians looking to purchase a STM-10 for your facility please call us at (800) 382-5879 or email



As an added precaution all Clinical Instrumentation will ship via UPS. With this option, it ensures that CMT has recourse in the event that a package becomes lost, stolen, or damaged in transit.

A valid tracking number is issued and can monitored while in transit to ensure successful delivery of your instrumentation.

Weight .58 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 1.5 in

Article: The Treatment of Non-Obstructive Urinary Retention

The Treatment of Non-Obstructive Urinary Retention With High Frequency Transvaginal Electricial Stimulation